Goodbye Perth!!
Well, my adventures are concluded here in Perth & I'm off to my next stage.. Egypt. I was just doing a bit of self-reflecting time...
I learnt so much over my three months leccture phase. God's done an amazing amount of cleaning out crappy stuff in my life - repenting, forgiving, refreshing & renewing. He's also put alot in my life - vision, love, opening my eyes & seeing the world through more of His perspective. His heart loves the people of this world, yet breaks so much to see them not knowing him. It breaks when He sees Christian afraid to step up & be bold in their faith.
So I'm looking up and looking forward...
having to leave some tightly formed friendships...
taking the skills I've been equipped with...
and the many many fun memories...
and I'm ready to go!
Bring it on!!
I must leave you with my favorite verse, one thats blessed me time & time again and it is a verse that I will live by in Cairo. My prayer is that it will bless you too =) ...
I've commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go
- Joshua 1:9