Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Spain... 07

That's me at a bull fight in Bilbao - they love their bull fights. I might not go into detail about what happens, but can say that's it's pretty bloody and I probably won't go to one again - although I definately enjoyed the experience.

I thought I´d begin with a story about one of the strangest things that´s happened to me in a long time...

The other day we had a night free and decided to go to the beach. We found a nice empty area and sat down to look at the stars. After a relaxing 20mins of star gazing we hear some dogs begin to bark. 'No worries', I thought, they were far in the distance. Strangely though, the barking became louder and louder and much much mnore frequent. I just thought maby some other dogs had joined in on the barking symphony. All of a sudden we notice a glowing red light of a cigarette moving up and down in the distance.. a man was approaching us from the darkness of the rocks behind us. 'Well that´s nice', I thought, 'a man is out walking his dog'... But then it happened. We see a homeless man appear with one... two... then five.. and no sooner do I realise but none less than 20 dogs were almost surrounding us on the rocks! We were on their teritory and they were mad. 20 mad barking dogs against 2 guys and 3 girls was not good. would you be scared?

Anyway, the man completely ignored us and continued on his way with his gang of dogs behind him. We all stood in shock. How random.

Our last official day in Spain was about a week ago. Spain is a great country and we´ve seen God move in a number of really amazing ways. I may have told you this already but the other week I lead a guy to Lord which was incredible. We´ve spoken to hundreds of people one-on-one about who God is and what Jesus has done for them. I personally have really enjoyed going out and evangelising on the streets in Spain and talking to people about a personal relationship we can have with God.

Time to run,



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